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    Could you eat Zebra?


    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by Guest Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:05 am

    Chef serves up food with a wild side

    By Alan Majury

    Published: 22/09/2008

    YOU might not see too many zebra, python, crocodile and kangaroo in the North-east.

    You’re most likely to see these exotic animals on a TV documentary.

    But one North-east chef has decided to introduce them to his kitchen.

    The creative cuisine will be served up at the Boars Head restaurant in Kinmuck, near Inverurie, from next month.

    And chef Stuart Walker, 27, aims to give visitors a taste of something different.

    The restaurant is owned by 26-year-olds Jaclyn Black and Helen McLellan.

    And while the pair have let Stuart’s imagination run wild, they admit they don’t know what he will come up with next.

    Helen said: “Sometimes it’s a bit like the TV programme I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! in the restaurant with all the exotic foods.”

    Mr Walker has hit the headlines in the past for his dishes, which have also included ostrich and alligator. And while some traditional dishes are available on the menu, it is the exotic foods which he is most passionate about.

    Stuart said: “A lot of chefs seem to be stuck in a routine of cooking the same things but I like to try out something different.”

    He admitted that some people may see eating zebra as cruel, but said they were culled to prevent over population.

    And so to the taste test. Stuart prepared a mountain of dishes such as classic thermador of lobster, surf and turf, zebra steaks and scallops. The zebra – in case you’re interested – tasted great.

    Stuart will introduce another controversial dish to his Christmas menu – reindeer.

    Dont think i could eat Zebra or Reindeer....Could you?

    Number of posts : 252
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2008-06-09

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by rinkydinkydo Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:54 pm

    i have had a few different things over the years,and its amazing what you'll eat when hungry... Neutral

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by Guest Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:42 pm

    I say i wouldnt but if i didnt know what it was a might

    Number of posts : 252
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2008-06-09

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by rinkydinkydo Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:45 am

    i don't mind as long as i like it,BBQ'd sheep nuts are out though!!,draw the line at reproductive items,tis the thought as you say.... pk

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by Guest Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:08 am

    Oh i dunno might be rather tasty tongue

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by Toddydogfox Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:27 pm

    Hedge hog you smother it in mud put in bonfire till mud is hard then just peel off
    the top layer and it skins it self and thats how to roast a hedge hog

    Number of posts : 322
    Age : 38
    Location : wester ross
    Registration date : 2008-01-15

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by Sini Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:22 am

    haggis: ye have te catch it wi' a bargepole, stuff it in a loofah an' boil it fer 3 hours.
    otherwise it'll attack you

    Number of posts : 252
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2008-06-09

    Could you eat Zebra? Empty Re: Could you eat Zebra?

    Post by rinkydinkydo Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:31 am

    i'll always make sure you cook yer food properly else ye'll end up we an attack'o'the haggis Embarassed

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