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    Landings (working title)


    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Landings (working title) Empty Landings (working title)

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:32 pm

    BY M.J. Todd

    Deep space ten millennia from now.
    a ship, vast in size, temming with a crew of nearly two million
    but in the middle of deep space
    a speck of dust.

    On the ship the console flickerd to life - "On-line"
    the letters kept flashing.
    Finnally, captain andrew wolvan answered
    "ON LINE FOR PROJECT REBIRTH" he tappped out onto the screen.
    Andrew stretched yawned and scratched his head .
    "you're feeling tired aren't you drew ?"
    said his long time friend Tom Elok.
    "yes, and yourself tom ?" "i'm alright" and both of them stopped
    talking as the planet came onto the view screen.

    It was magnificent.
    The blues the greens and purples and of all the myraid forms and colours the one that stood out the most,
    was a crystaline white.
    As beautiful as a perfectly cut diamond.
    Even though the planet was six hundred thousand miles away,
    they would reach it in three days at the speed at which they
    were going.
    The journey had taken 15 generations to reach an inhabitable planet.
    Thier planet had been destroyed through the pollution of the land and the seas and the destruction of all the forests and the
    misuse of all the resources of thier own planet.

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Landings (working title) Empty Re: Landings (working title)

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:34 pm

    As Andrew mused on this tom suddenly said "what you thinking
    "Nothing really, just how stupid our ancestors were".
    "Don't let Jhonstone hear you saying that you know how
    she is when it comes to the past",
    said Tom with a touch of sarcasm.
    At that moment Biologist and archaeologist Avril Jhonstone
    walked in.
    "I don't want to hear what?"
    "Nothing" Tom and Andrew replied in unison.
    They looked at each other repressing laughter.
    "That's a likely story and stop smirking you two" said Avril,who was a staturesque beauty,with shoulder length aurburn hair,emerald green eyes creamy white skin and a full figure.

    and, at that moment on the planet surface , an Elf and a centuar were having a disscussion about the object they saw through the telescope the previous night.

    "I'm telling ya"said arrowhoof, "that it weren't being na astroid we were seein".
    "Then what was it ?"replied Laiethon the Elf.
    "i don't know but it looked like a ship of some sort".
    "don't talk so much tom foolery".
    "i'm tellin you it looked like one of those machines the Elders go
    on about so much".
    "it couldn't be"
    "yep and i bet it's full of humans as well !"

    "Don't say that ever again."said a voice that was full of
    kindness but also firm authority and age.
    It was Greyhammer, oldest and wisest of all the elders, but unlike the other elders he was a Dragon which was 90ft
    from head to tail,with a wingspan of 40ft.
    His colour was a light Grey.
    His back legs were hugely muscled and very powerful,which
    allowed him to leap high into the air then take flight.
    using the thermals to catch under his wings
    his front legs were slightly smaller which he tucked under his body when flying.
    and when he landed he walked on all fours
    "Come now let us tell the other elders what you have seen"
    said Greyhammer

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