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    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD


    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:00 pm

    Raven's quest

    By M.J.TODD

    It was a cold and frosty morning the sort of morning that chilled the young man to the soul as he raced across the and the grass made a soft crunching sound under his feet the precious cargo held tightly in his hands for the young man had been in mandrake forest to get the scale of the red wyrm from the scarlet lady of mandrake forest little did know.
    That his life from this moment that his life would change beyond all he has known as he looked up.! ravenshead keep came into view the home of the Ravenshead clan for over six centuries the now present lord was Tomas Ravenshead 3rd

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:02 pm

    he could see the draw bridge was up.!
    "ah ye gods i took to long getting back looks like i need somewhere to stay for the night".!
    he looked to his left it was going to be a long walk to the bridge that lead to firestone village he half ran then slowed to a jog his
    heavy boots making the wood of the small bridge creak in protest
    you could get a cart over it.
    but it would be a tight fit luckily only a small cart was used to transport goods from the mountain village of Firestone
    so named because it stood on firerock mountain

    He got there out of breath from running he didn't look forward to
    trudging up the two thousand steps to firestone village.
    luckily the Warlock/Alchemist who lived there created a permanent transportation circle all you had to do was place
    the right amount of coins on the middle of the circle stand
    back and the coins would be transported to the Warlock
    And a disembodied voice spoke what is your destination.
    The young man spoke "Firestone village square.!"
    the disembodied voice spoke again please walk on to
    the middle of the transportation circle.
    he walked forward a blue light started to envelop him
    and the next thing he found himself
    in the middle of Firestone village
    the disembodied voice spoke once again please step
    off the transportation circle you have arrived at your

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:04 pm

    A shiver ran down his spine
    "by the gods I'll never get used to a Warlocks transportation
    circle if i wasn't in so much of a hurry i wouldn't use the flamin thing ." he exclaimed
    He hurried to the largest building in the square he looked at the
    smooth surface it was blacker than coal yet it had a shine to
    it that was almost mesmerizing
    "By the gods" he exclaimed using his favorite curse.
    "I'm standing here gawking like the village idiot at the warlocks
    home and i need to be inside there now".
    he walked to the door as he went for the handle the
    door opened by itself
    YOUR LATE BOY a voice boomed coming from his masters study
    the Warlock/alchemist Polaris Starfinder
    this wasn't his real name.
    his real name was only known by his master now for he was
    over 1000 years old and in time if his apprentice
    came into his own it would be the same for him
    "sorry master it took me awhile to find the scarlet lady's dwelling in mandrake forest." he whispered

    "SPEAK UP BOY.!"
    "yes master i will he rushed up the flight of stairs clutching the
    Scale i have the wyrm's scale master
    sorry i'm late."
    "that damnable womans been mothering you again probable been saying i'm to hard on you."
    "No master i couldn't find the scarlet lady's house."
    this was a lie and they both new it for the young
    apprentice ran errands there all the time.
    A smile crossed the Warlocks face.
    " tell that big sister of mine i feed you plenty and to stop stuffing
    you full of cakes and sweets."
    he laughed "now boy where is it.!"

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:07 pm

    He quickly produced the scale from under his shirt
    it glowed RED.

    and as he handed it to his master it stopped glowing.
    Polaris Starfinder stared at his pupil.
    It can't be he thought it would only glow like that for a
    member of the royal family's bloodline.
    The royal family that used to rule all the kingdom till there was a
    bloody cue that supposedly wiped out the entire royal
    family and it was believed that the bloodline was lost.
    There was a rumor but it can't be it just can't thought the
    Warlock Polaris Starfinder.
    APPRENTICE "when i found you in that Orphanage did you
    know anything at all about your Family?",
    "No master i did not!"

    "Oh that reminds me your sister gave me a letter to give to you."
    he took the letter from his pupils hands.
    "Go now boy you need you rest."
    as he stepped through the door a blue nimbus of light shone around the door frame as the door closed behind himself
    he thought to himself.
    i'll never get used to it, this is my masters home and thats the door to his private sanctum which i've never been inside
    infact his master wasn't even here.
    He was acctually in his room at Ravenshead keep.
    when i walked through the masters private sanctums door
    i was transported directly to that very room and when i stepped through it again i was sent back here
    to his home in Firestone village.

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:09 pm

    the young apprentice stood at the top of the stairs while he had been with his master it had become dark he then spoke three words.
    "spheroid luminous suspension"and at that a ball of light
    floated just above his head lighting up the entire room.
    he walked down the stairs and made his way to his room and readied himself for bed.
    it would be morning soon and his master said he needed rest he wish his master had said why he needed his rest so much.

    "Why is your S,L,S on"spoke Polaris's
    the apprentice rolled over mumbling incoherently pulling the bed sheets over his head
    "Boy wake up it is morning you have things do"
    he pulled his bed clothes even tighter about himself
    annoyed Polaris starfinder gestured with his hand and the bed clothing flew across the room and his apprentice found himself floating in the air
    Polaris spoke "water bath cold" and an old tin bath appeared under the apprentice full of clod water
    and was unceremoniously dumped into it
    Polaris walked out of his apprentice's room across the hall to the dining room where he had a his breakfast waiting for him
    he thought to himself while i wait for the boy I'll have
    my breakfast and read the letter my sister sent to me
    i wonder what she wants he mused

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:11 pm

    He opened the letter and began to read what his sister had written
    dear Brother
    I am awaiting the results of the blood test i took from
    Pren if i am right then he is the last surviving heir to the royal throne but not just that
    remember 600 years ago there was a rumor that a lady of the royal line feel in love with a Red dragon and feel pregnant and ran away together just before the cue that killed the rest of the royal family
    if the blood test comes back then your apprentice is somehow related to them
    p.s i know you don't like me using the boy's real name so i
    have taken it upon myself to give him a name and it's Pren
    short for apprentice

    "where is that damn fool boy Pren get in here"
    what he thought to himself i just called him Pren and he looked at his sisters letter again and waved his hand over it
    what he detected there was a minor spell a glamour over the word Pren that flamin sister of mine she was going to have me call that boy Pren weather i wanted to or not.
    "master yelled Pren i haven't finished my chores quite yet"
    "Well finish them and then bring my parchment and quill".

    "where is that damn fool boy Pren get in here"
    what he thought to himself i just called him Pren and he looked at his sisters letter again and waved his hand over it
    what he detected there was a minor spell a glamour over the word Pren that flamin sister of mine she was going to have me call that boy Pren weather i wanted to or not.
    "master yelled Pren i haven't finished my chores quite yet"
    "Well finish them and then bring my parchment and quill".

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:43 pm

    "here's your parchment and quill master" said Pren
    Apprehensively handing them to Polaris as he had taken longer finishing his chores than he should have done
    "Sit down Pren and i need you to tell me what kind of tests did my sister perform on you".
    "Well master she took my blood and used a modified truth spell on me."
    "Oh modified how??."
    "As you know you found me in an orphanage when i was only around 4/5 years old."
    "yes i am aware of this."
    "well she modified the spell to unlock dormant memories of
    before then to find out about my parents"
    "what did she find"
    " i don't know only she knows when the spell was over my memories went dormant again."

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty went dormant again you say.

    Post by Toddydogfox Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:25 pm

    "Interesting i'll shall have to visit my sister."
    He went quiet looking hard and long at pren his brow furrowed,
    yet still he said nothing.

    Pren stood there looking at his master wondering what he knew of,
    his past and did he Know who his parents where.
    and his bloodline and lineage.

    The silence was broken by his master barking an order at him.

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    Raven's quest By M.J.TODD Empty Re: Raven's quest By M.J.TODD

    Post by Toddydogfox Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:37 am

    Time passed quickly luckily the masters bags where magic in nature so,
    it only need the masters lugage to pack absolutely everything within the house.
    unluckily Pren was the one who was meant to pack the bags.
    "boy why has it taken you nearly three days to pack my bags"
    "but master you said pack your things i thought you meant everything in the house."
    it was only then that Polaris Starfinder realised that his house was,
    was completly empty.
    "Fool boy i said pack my things not move house"
    he than began to laugh long and hard but ended abruptly and then he looked at Pren.
    "well boy did you pack your thing too"
    "yes master".
    "pren replied meekly well then let us be off."
    and with that a blinding light and where they had been standing was nothing but
    air and the slight smell of sulfer.

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