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    As the fire burns


    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:41 pm

    IT was a cold night as the young man huddled round the old tin water butt it had been long time since it held water now it only held fire and it had been dragged by the young man into the old
    abandoned warehouse he hope he had enough wood to keep the fire burning till morning
    gods he thought to himself it had only been two years since the world he new had crashed around his ears the screams the blood no mustn't think about just concentrate on keep that fire lit you'll have all the time in the morning to remember but to night
    keep the fire lit and keep going thats all i must think about

    THEN it hit the pain like no other arghhhh no it can't be I've fed already i hunted last full MOON ate my fill
    then a voice spoke it said hush my love let the transformation happen a tear feel it can't they killed her but i just heard voice argggggghhhhhhhhhhhh gods the pain must fight it the voice spoke again no my love embrace the transformation it's the only way to avenge me
    a cry of despair and rage and loneliness ripped from his
    throat the warehouse filled with pure white light
    and a voice spoke i am CIRCE and you are to be chosen as the sword AND shield you will find all the survivors and protect them

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:43 pm

    the pain was more than he had ever known from previous transformations the voice said "
    this will be the last time the warping will hurt you but you will never be truly human or truly Wolf again you will be both at all times and you will become alpha male to all other lycans
    for you are the silver Wolf Alpha male to the Were Nation
    and the light faded he stood in his humaniod form
    8 foot tall fur a Silverish colour his eyes colbolt blue
    he looked like a Wolf but stood as man find the others find your pack and save the people so the world can be saved

    who are you please tell me he said in a voice that half sound like a growl
    "i can talk i can think how is this possible when i transformed
    in the past i was a mindless animal and i only thought about the hunt and fresh meat"
    "i'm the goddess CIRCE your wife was a witch and worshipped

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:47 pm

    who are you please tell me he said in a voice that half sound like a growl
    "i can talk i can think how is this possible when i transformed
    in the past i was a mindless animal and i only thought about the hunt and fresh meat"
    "i'm the goddess CIRCE your wife was a witch and worshipped

    "But i thought Hecate was goddess to all witch's.?"
    "She is,!
    But thats the great thing about a pantheon of gods a worshiper can chose to worship more than one god or goddess"
    "so my wife worshiped you as well as Circe why did she do that".
    "She was fascinated by how i transformed men in to animals."
    "And if i had anything to with Lycanthropy as she had met you at
    collage and you where already a Lycan"
    "and am i still a Lycan and have you anything to with the creation
    of the original Lycan."

    "You are not ready to know all yet for you quest and journey has just begun but i can tell you that you are the Alpha male of all
    Lycans now and your pack will be made up of all shamans and clerics of the elder gods."
    "so your saying I'm the Leader of the Were-nation is it all weres or just Lycans.?"
    "all Weres all those who transform into animal form those that are half animal and man."

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:42 pm

    and with that he was alone again
    standing beside the fire that had nearly
    burnt out but rays of sunlight
    shone through the broken roof
    the conservation had taken all night
    it was day he need to pack his things and be on his way
    by the gods he thought i feel happy
    and struck him his life had purpose again that which had been
    missing was hope and it had been returned to him
    albeit a fragile hope that needed him to make it
    he must succeed he thought
    failure is not an option the world
    needed him to succeed

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:39 pm

    He Quickly packed up his meager belongings,
    a blanket,a tin cup and plate, an old steel fork with only two tines left and a small but sharp knife.
    the only clothes he had on where torn from the,
    He packed all his belonging into his kit bag and stepped out into,
    the sunlight and started his long Journey to find the shamans and clerics.

    He blinked waiting for his senses to readjust to the sunlight.
    he suddenly realised that he was in human form but his,
    sight,smell,touch and hearing all his senses in fact.
    Where as acute they normally where in his Lycan form.
    He stumbled and tripped over an old broken pathway his hand gripped the road sign as he fell.
    and the metal was crushed by his grip not only where his,
    senses enhanced so was his strength he thought to himself,
    "I could get used to being this Exemplar"

    Number of posts : 133
    Age : 73
    Location : BC. Canada
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by denny26 Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:25 pm

    As the fire burns 4-53

    As the fire burns Icon_minigender_maleAs the fire burns Icon_zodiac_aries_1As the fire burns Icon_chinese_pig_1
    Age : 37
    Joined : 13 Jan 2008
    Posts : 157
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk

    As the fire burns Empty

    As the fire burns Icon_post_targetSubject: As the fire burns As the fire burns EmptyWed Jan 23, 2008 6:41 pmAs the fire burns I_icon_quote

    It was a cold night as the young man huddled round the old tin water butt. It had been long time since it held water, now it only held fire and it had been dragged by the young man into the old abandoned warehouse. He hoped he had enough wood to keep the fire burning till morning.
    Gods he thought to himself, it had only been two years since the world he knew had crashed around his ears. The screams, the blood! No mustn't think about it! Just concentrate on keeping that fire lit,. You'll have all the time in the morning to remember, but tonight, keep the fire lit and keep going, thats all I must think about .

    THEN it hit! The pain ,like no other, arghhhh, no! it can't be! I've fed already! I hunted last full moon!! Ate my fill !
    Then a voice spoke: it said hush my love, let the transformation happen! a tear...feel it... can't... they killed her! But I just heard voice. argggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! gods ...the pain,.. must fight it,... The voice spoke again. No my love... embrace the transformation... it's the only way to avenge me!
    A cry of despair and rage and loneliness ripped from his
    throat. The warehouse filled with pure white light
    and a voice spoke: I am CIRCE and you are to be chosen as the sword AND shield. You will find all the survivors and protect them.

    hope this is ok toddy
    As the fire burns Arrow_up As the fire burns Arrow_down

    As the fire burns I_icon_profileAs the fire burns I_icon_pmAs the fire burns I_icon_yimAs the fire burns I_icon_msnm


    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:56 pm

    i can't see any diffrence from my version in fact the pacing in mine is,

    Number of posts : 133
    Age : 73
    Location : BC. Canada
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by denny26 Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:26 pm

    it has punctuation

    Number of posts : 263
    Age : 53
    Location : Norfolk,England,uk
    Registration date : 2008-01-14

    As the fire burns Empty Re: As the fire burns

    Post by Toddydogfox Fri Oct 24, 2008 11:14 pm

    oh right well i just try and get the story out my head before it's gone forever
    so punctuation isn't a high priority

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